» » » What the Hell Happened to the Pool?

What the Hell Happened to the Pool?

All water here has a cycle connected to the seasons. The pool in my sister’s yard has such a cycle, and, therefore, it is oddly connected to nature.

In times past, in the golden years, we would leave chemicals in the pool all winter long. It was easier that way. And it certainly kept the swamp at bay. But that way of life became “unsustainable.” Now we empty the pool for winter.

Sort of. This year, we made an experiment to see if the swamp would reclaim the water in the pool. But one winter was not long enough for nature to prevail over chemicals. And the spring winds whipped down the fence, and the swampy experiment had to be returned to the land.

By the way, now that it is spring, the whole yard is a swamp. The April rains came in the form of hail balls that beat themselves into the ground and melted. This summer, maybe we will make a saltwater pool or a fresh water one. Maybe we will just play in the hose. There is sand next to the house where the slab used to be, and it’s like a beach without the water.