» » » Copyrighted


We’ve just received word from the U.S. Copyright office that our feature film script “Destiny lives Down the Road” has been copyrighted. Yay! Is it now that we are bone fide?

In other recent news, some Swedish cinemas have begun rating films for gender bias. The Swedes are so progressive in their belief that women and men are equal.

“To get an A rating, a movie must pass the so-called Bechdel test, which means it must have at least two named female characters who talk to each other about something other than a man.”

Here is a short video about the Bechdel test. Watch it for the last bit where you see all of the popular movies that have failed this test. That means we are watching mostly stuff about the male experience when we are 50% female.

Well, I think we have that in the bag. Nineteen-year-old Destiny is the lead, and she talks to a lot of named female characters about things other than men.* Also, we have a female co-director/co-writer, female co-producer and numerous meaty roles for women.

Now, let’s make it rain.

*All of our 71 speaking characters are named