» » » The Elektrik Zoo @ Revel

The Elektrik Zoo @ Revel

Saturday night we screened some of our work at Revel at Michalopoulos’ Studio. This is our second Revel, and Reese has really evolved the space. Smack dab in the middle of James Michaloupolos’ working artist studio is his wife’s cabaret performance space cum screening room. It is a place that feels like home with a hodgepodge of furniture taken from a variety of the Michalopolous holdings. There is a small bar serving New Orleans Rum and beer and catered yummy food by the Lunch Lady.

I think the crowd swelled to about 70 at some point. Some of our friends even showed up. Dave Rebeck kicked us off with a classical music duo. Then some Ttsunami Dance Troupe works in progress. Then, we were up. We talked about the progression of the work from the Kirmann Project and Little Baby Eyes, to Mrs. Carmella Prays, and, finally, an excerpt from “Destiny lives Down the Road.” EZ long time muse Dominique Thompson was there to see herself projected on a big screen for the first time.

After us, there was another sexy dance by Tsunami, improvisational musical stylings by Tore and Nikkie (Sanzenback and Wallin Ensemble) and then Nikkie decided to sing, which was kind of a big deal as he hasn’t done that in public in about five years.

It was kind of a magical night, and I look forward to participating in the further evolution of Revel.