» » » The Elektrik Zoo does teen camp

The Elektrik Zoo does teen camp


The Elektrik Zoo mentors teens during week long documentary filmmaking camp

New Orleans, LAJuly 15, 2009 – The Elektrik Zoo Creative Partnership have been chosen by the New Orleans Video Access Center (NOVAC) to mentor teens at their annual Teen Filmmaking Camp. This year’s camp will introduce participants to the art and technique of documentary filmmaking through a hands-on, one-week, intensive training program.

“We want the students to feel the rush of making a documentary film,” said Daneeta Loretta Jackson, producer and co-founder of the Elektrik Zoo. “NOVAC are very open to letting us really put our mark on this year’s camp…to making this year the documentary filmmaking edition.

At this year’s camp, which runs from July 20th to July 24th, students will collaborate to produce a finished short documentary for Operation Reach, a Central City non profit that supports children, youth and families to succeed. Operation Reach has chosen two of their GYAC volunteers as subjects for the teens to document: Willie McCorkle, working out of the North Rampart Community Center and David Donald, working out of the Desire Street Ministries.

The Elektrik Zoo is a creative partnership. We produce films, photographs and writings.

Operation Reach is a national non-profit community education resource that assists individuals and communities in reaching new height in their lives and maximizing their full potential through a zeal for lifelong learning.

NOVAC’s mission is to foster the creation and appreciation of film and video for a public of diverse ages, income levels, and backgrounds. NOVAC accomplishes this mission through education, career development, community outreach, independent productions, and special events.

Dominique Thompson