» » » On another roll. Please send pizza.

On another roll. Please send pizza.

Having another writing spurt, which is good. I hesitate to say, however, if this is the one that will result in a finished draft good enough to send out to people only because I’ve said that before, and it hasn’t happened. But, there is a difference this time. All of the work that we’ve done in the past…all of the work that I thought was just work and not useful…it’s all coming back in strength. Maybe I wrote a scene that went one way, and it didn’t work, so I threw it out. Now it is coming back in a different way. All of the work has been done. I just need to slot it in and tweak. The process never ceases to amaze me.

I’ve been writing professionally now for nearly 20 years. This is the first really huge project I’ve worked on (apart from that novel when I was 13…oh the horror). I think I’ve been somewhat intimidated by the scope for the longest time. But, on the positive side, I’ve just kept plugging along, and that is all coming to fruition now. Also, there are several “rules” I like to follow:

I’ll take care of the quantity, and the Muse will take care of the quality.
If you get stuck, just back up until it works then move forward from there.
Respect the voice. Trust the voice.
When you get on a roll, just keep riding it no matter what time you have to get up in the morning.