» » » Some notes on Race

Some notes on Race

Race is the white elephant still in the room.
Racism is subtle, and more educated. How does it manifest itself today?

M told me that the New Orleans Athletic Club didn’t allow black people or women until 1983.
In 1985 we were kicked out of a bar uptown because one of us was black.

Is there reverse racism as well? How does this manifest itself?

Blacks walk away from conflict with whites.
They put out a hand first and say “how ya’ll doin’?”
Sometimes too quickly, but never aggressively.

I haven’t seen evidence of working class whites mixing with working class blacks.

Girl from Winn Dixie who walked with us through the danger zone on Wall Blvd.
The blind, WWII Veteran. Smoking a cigar and drinkin’ a beer.
The New Orleans Ladies Buckjumpers.
The Muslim securing guard at Voodoo Fest.