» » » Locked, Loaded and Booked

Locked, Loaded and Booked

Just a breathless post going into the bank holiday weekend: we have booked the tickets. We are flying out on United on the 8th for our next big adventure. Thinking about luggage allowance and getting all of our stuff sorted and selling the computer, etc. But what I’m really thinking about is Gerard’s seafood gumbo. Keep having a nagging voice in the back of my head saying “No matter where you go, there you are”* This is related to the fact that going to NOLA is not going to solve all of our problems or fix everything. We will still be the same people with the same hangups. But, we are also the kind of people that go on adventures. God speed us!

*Most attributed to Bukaroo Banzai and picture credit here. But, I have also heard that Harry S. Truman said this.