» » » A Matter of Tabasco

A Matter of Tabasco

Dear Frank,

Just wanted to say thank you.

In a bid to save money for our big trip to NOLA, I’ve been eating a lot of rice and beans (“rice and beans, rice and beans, we love rice and beans!” is a little song I like to sing to myself). So, I had just taken the lima beans out of the microwave and was “dressing” them when I realized that there was no Tabasco left. Further, there was no money for Tabasco.

I don’t have to tell YOU what a tragedy this is. I was really about to cry when I realized that I had a reserve supply of the nectar of the god of Creole. On my last visit to NOLA two years ago, you gave me two tiny little Tabasco bottles that you had saved from your Katrina MRE’s. I debated with myself about opening one. It was a moral issue. Should I eat this or should I save it for a disaster? I had to go for it ’cause tonight I’m having stuffed peppers and okra. That’ll need Tabasco as well. I still have one tiny bottle left, which I will save for a true emergency.

Thank you for making my day!



Photo from Brownie Points