» » » Tennessee Williams Inspires

Tennessee Williams Inspires

Tennessee Williams is one of America’s greatest playwrights. I formerly read him in Tony Lala’s class in 20th Century American Drama at Loyola University, but he and his characters have been in my consciousness for as long as I can remember. Hailing from the South, he drew inspiration from his family.

I don’t know what possessed us to rent whatever was available on Love Film, but Patrick and I have been delightedly working our way through his film work: first with “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” (the Liz Taylor and Paul Newman one), then “The Glass Menagerie,” and just yesterday the spectacular “Streetcar Named Desire.” Brando playing Stanley Kowalski, or course.

He is inspiring us….this master of desperation and guilt and passion and hope.

Photo from The Court Theatre