» » » D&P enlist NOLA friends to hook us up!

D&P enlist NOLA friends to hook us up!

This is my oldest friend Jennifer and her lovely daughter, Grace. I’m the dorky looking one.

I met Jennifer when I transferred to Loyola University in 1985. The circumstances surrounding our meeting is a story in itself involving my ex boyfriend who also happened to be Jennifer’s present boyfriend. Neither of us are still acquainted with this ex, but we both thank him for introducing us. Jennifer is also directly responsible for my graduating from Loyola in that she made sure I spent as much time studying as I did playing pool at Ms. Mae’s.

I mention Jennifer because she has been trying to get me to move back to New Orleans…well…since I moved away in 1989 when we both graduated from Loyola. Jennifer and her husband Richard are both attorneys, and Richard has been giving us legal advice on Tokyo Cowboys. He’s also plugged into the film scene through his attorney mates who are now working for production companies. This bodes well for “DITP” as he’s working hard to get us meetings during our trip in April.

  1. Mr. Clio

    Meeting with St. Bernard Parish president is in the offing. Will call bank president this week.

    I didn’t know you were already here! Are you?