» » » Mardi Gras Mambo

Mardi Gras Mambo

I spent the day working at the film school and shouting “Throw me Something, Mistah” at everyone. My boss eventually threw a CD case at my head. After, I incessantly sang “Mardi Gras Mambo” under my breath.

In the evening, went to a Q&A session with the distributor of Park Chan-Wook’s new film and got drunk on the free Cobra (the official sponsor of the London Film School) and sold everyone there on Tokyo Cowboys (if memory serves).

Stumbled home to find Patrick and Morton playing video games, so I jumped on Adam’s bed sprinkling grapefruit essential oil on it to cover the smell.

Ate a drunkenly made salad and watched election hoopla. Finally fell asleep with a pillow over my head because I was too damn lazy to turn out the lights.

All and all, a respectable expat Mardi Gras, but I was really missing home.

Originally posted as a comment on World Class New Orleans.