» » » Writers’ Gym

Writers’ Gym

I’ve been working on the script for about 4 weeks now, and I think it’s going well. I’ve been taking this class called Writers’ Gym with Ellis Freeman, and it’s really helping to be in this atmosphere. We’ve been working on characters, plot, theme, etc. Last week we had to turn in a pre-treatment for feedback. I used to have a real problem with feedback. I just wanted people to tell me what brilliant work I had done. But, that’s not the point of feedback. The point is to get ideas about what is working and what is not working and how to make your work better.

Anyway, I got some good feedback on the pre-treatment. I’ve also written a treatment, and I can now see so many ways to improve it. We’re going to Sweden tomorrow, and I’m really looking forward to spending some time writing there.