» » » Coppe


aloha !

i am definitely 1 of the cowboys here in tokyo !
jason contacted me 2 get in touch w/ u !!!
i have my own record label called Mango + sweet rice + just released my 10th. anniversary compilation double cd !
r u in london ???
or r u in tokyo ???
i sooooooooooooooooooo want 2 b performin’ in london !!!!!!!

LOVE 2 connect w/ UUUUUUUUUU !!!!!

biggest martian love , respect + aloha !

Hi Coppe,

I’m glad you got in touch. I visited your website yesterday, so it’s funny that you wrote today.

I am based in London, but I travel for projects. I’m hoping to get back to Tokyo to promote the film when it’s finished.

I have all of these ideas about what to do with the sound design of the film and have been experimenting since we started editing. Some days I think that we won’t use music at all, but create a “score” out of the indigenous sounds of Tokyo that we recorded while there. I like the idea of creating an organic and rhythmic sound track out of sounds and voices. Then some days I think I would have a score from start to finish. I like post rock collectives like “God Speed! You Black Emperor” and “Mogwai.” I was listening to “The Flaming Lips” a lot when I was shooting the film and have thought of contacting some of these guys about doing something for the film.

Anyway, can I hear your stuff anywhere on the web?

Looking forward to hearing from you.



aloha from tokyo
i’m just makin’ a package together + shippin’ some of my cds 2 your way
organic sound / noise sounds super good !!!
i am such a noise junkie + there r beautiful noise / sounds everywhere !!!!!
hope u’ll like my weird music universe !
u should b gettin’ this package from me within a week πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
cherry blossoms r nearly gone but this feels like a very special new page is opennin’ !!!

biggest martian love , respect + aloha !!!

Hi Coppe,

I’m looking forward to hearing your noise!

One of the things I really miss about Japan is Hanami. There are cherry trees here in Hyde Park. The best viewing is supposed to be this weekend (it’s much colder here). But, it’s just not the same as viewing them in Tokyo surrounded by hundreds of people sitting on bright blue tarp and drinking sake.

Talk to you soon.



aloha from az !

i’m so sorry 2 hear that u did not receive the package from me … πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™
i’ve asked my friend who’s workin’ 4 cargo , distributin’ my cds in europe
, 2 send u a promo copy since u r both in london + i’m on my mini tour in
phoenix , az ….
his name is robin warren + he’s liberation jumpsuit ( we’ve got this
awesome track on 9 + 10 = 10th. anniversary cd πŸ™‚
i’ll b back home in tokyo at the end of this month ….
hopefully u’ll get a hold of my cd sooooooooooon !!!!!

thank u a million !!!

big love + aloha !


Hey Coppe,

Got the CD from Robin. Hurrah for email. I will listen to it over the next few days and then get in touch. Hope you have a fab time in Arizona. It’s such a beautiful place the desert.


cooooooooooool daneeta !

let me know what u think about my weird music universe πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

biggest martian love + aloha !!!



Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2006 00:27:39 +0900

aloha daneeta !

soooooo good 2 hear back from u !!!
+ soooooo good 2 hear that u like my weird music world !!!

On Jun 16, 2006, at 10:33 PM, Daneeta Loretta Saft wrote:

> Dear Coppe,
> Apologies for getting back to you so late regarding your music.
> I’ve been working on too many projects as of late, and my emailing
> has fallen by the wayside.
> I just wanted to let you know that your music is so beautiful and
> I’m wondering if we can figure out a way to work together. I don’t
> know how much Jason told you about my film. It’s very low budget,
> and we have run out of money, so I couldn’t offer you any kind of
> payment at the moment for music rights. I can, however, offer you
> sweat equity in the film meaning that you’d get a percentage of the
> profit. Do you yourself own all of the rights to the music?
*** yes i do πŸ™‚
most of them …. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
> If this is acceptable, please get back to me, and we can work out
> the details.
*** off course i’d LOVE 2 do somethin’ w/ u !!!
> I let a friend of mine listen to your music, and he is interested
> in using some of it for a picture library he has. It’s really good
> European exposure. I don’t know what his terms are, so I thought
> the best thing would be to put the two of you in touch. Is it OK to
> give him your contact details?

*** yes ! yes !! yes !!!
a good friend of mine is plannin’ my very 1st. mini european
tour 4 this fall …. oct / nov. called : cyber-tongue tour :
[ www.cyber-tongue.com
is been build right now …. ] maybe u + or him can help book some gigs 4 us ???
that’ll b SUPER !!!
> Thanks, and speak to you soon,

*** thank u a million !!!
very much lookin’ forward 2 b workin’ w/ u !!!!!

big martian love + aloha !!!


> Daneeta

Hey Coppe,

Good to hear that you’re interested in working on this film. What I’d like to do is let the editor work with some of the music from the CD I got off Robin to see how it cuts into the film. The “9” CD is particularly interesting as it is more ambient. Your voice is brilliant, and I imagine it to be the voice of Tokyo as I see her as a girl promising a dream and who calls all of these men to cross oceans to be with her…like a Siren. Do you have any other stuff that is slow and hypnotic and uses your voice like an instrument?

Congratulations on your tour. I am not so in touch with the music scene, but I have a few friends who do small gigs here and a friend of mine who used to be in a rock band that had some minor success. So I can ask them and put you in touch. Maybe they can offer advice and possible venues, etc. They are London based. Specifically, what kind of help are you looking for? Do you need to get in contact with venue owners? Sorry to be so lame about this, but I don’t know much about the music scene, and the more you can tell me about what you need, the more I can target specific friends to put you in touch with.



daneeta ….

thank u a million 4 your warmest e.mail ….

*** on most of my cds …. well actually all of my cds , i kept my voice as an instrument …. kinda like : hagoromo : ( ancient silk scarf

flyin’ thru the hazy sky …. ) …. never up front …. definitely my backbone is ambient !!!!! this is the very reason why i DO need 2
work w/ mr. brian eno someday !!!!!

πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

*** yes ! yes !! yes !!! maybe promoters …. venue owners …. people in the industry who can spread the word 4 my label Mango +

sweet rice …. i’d LOVE 2 perform at a space …. not so big …. but cool + cozy + more like a hang out space 4 the experimental
open minded creators who r plannin’ 4 their next big thing …. kinda …. ??? do u know what i mean ???

*** thank u soooooooo much 4 your help πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

i’m off 2 hawaii from this fri. …. + i’ll b back here in tokyo on 7 / 1st πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
big big martian love , respect + aloha !!!!!