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Become a Mini Patron

As most of our mates know, we have begun preparing for our 3 month writing and research trip to NOLA starting in July. We really appreciate all of the support we’ve been getting, and this has emboldened me to ask for even more help. So, if you’re so inclined, here is what you can do:

  • Buy us a bowl of gumbo for £1. Click on the shrimp in the right hand column. This will take you to our Paypal page. You can buy us bowls of gumbo for £1 each. Three hundred bowls of gumbo will buy us one of our airline tickets.
  • Buy one of our books: see the list HERE.
  • Sponsor us for a bit of couch surfing. Patrick and I will be moving from one friend to another over the course of the three month period. Let us stay on your couch or in your spare room or in a tent in your back yard for a few days. We cook, we do dishes and we explain to your children the importance of investing early lest they end up couch surfing like us. Email me to offer a couch.
  • Hook us up with good stories. Everybody has a Katrina story. We want to hear them.
  • Give us a job. Can we write for your publication? Can we shoot for you? Can we lecture for you? If so, hook us up.
  • Introduce us around. Do you know people in the film biz that might be interested in our project? If so, introduce us around. We are good at what we do and we won’t embarrass you in front of your friends.

2 Responses

  1. Prince Roy

    We go back to the US next week and will probably make the trip home to NOLA sometime in mid June for a week or two.

    Some members of my family affected by the storm may be interested in participating in your project.

    Can’t really offer you couch space in NOLA, but if you swing through the DC area later on, we can certainly put you up.

  2. Daniell

    Oops…emailed you before instead of leaving you a comment…

    You can bunk out here when you come in, but you will be in seperate beds b/c we only have twin beds here.