» » » Between Arabi and Chalmette

Between Arabi and Chalmette

There is this strip of land between Arabi and Chalmette right after the Autozone where the St. Claude bus drops you off. A sort of no man’s land where ghosts buy their smokes and spend their last dollars on toys and guns and yoyos to prepare themselves for the long journey across the river to meet what awaits them.

This small slice of property is best left to nature in my opinion. Let Smokin’ Bob’s go down into the swamp to be found by some future species. Leave the Dollar Region to the fishes and the gators and the cattails.

Some old timers say that the swamp will take it all. Like it was in the beginning, so it will be again. Eventually, that is.

But, for now, this little strip of land is what I’ll look at as I step off the bus and wait for the boat that will take me across the river to Paradise.