» » » Breathing New Life

Breathing New Life

Spent several hours yesterday with Jaime Estrada-Torres, who gave us amazingly thorough advice on how to professionally polish Tokyo Cowboys. He went through the film scene by scene and pointed out specific action items. Patrick reckons that he can finish the whole edit by next week.

We also laid all of Simon’s music over the film, and it is just brilliant. Spoke to him on the phone, and we’ll take the new edit round to his studio after the edit is done for polishing.

Spent several hours this evening researching distribution models. Of particular interest was Peter Broderick’s Distribution Bulletins, specifically his one on using Radiohead’s online model. Got a bit freaked out by Film Specific’s Podcast about how to position your film for distribution in 2008. Deliverables? “You’re gonna have to spend a bit of money?” Help!

The photo above is by Altus. He’s using some cool technology to manga-fy his stills.

  1. rob

    Just listened to that podcast and about 80% is bollocks. For someone looking forward to 2008 this is surprisingly 1998. The stuff about deliverables is particularly cobblers and she’s certainly looking at far more cost than you’re gonna need to spend. And money for marketing? She’s living in a dream world: you’ll not be able to spend enough on marketing to generate enough sales to cover the marketing costs let alone the production costs.
    And the other guy with his RadioHead model and the Four Eyed Monsters model? I’ve researched this from the inside and the only people making money from “new distribution models” are those writing books and doing the festival/lecture circuit talking about “new distribution models”. Unless you’re RadioHead. But nobody else is.
    Seriously we need to talk before you spend any money because there’s way too much misinformation about.