» » » Camps, gators, and whiskey

Camps, gators, and whiskey


You can definitely see in this picture that I love my job. We went out to Delecroix today to location scout for camps. William and Joyce are part of our extended in-law connection. They were born and raised Down the Road in St. Bernard. William crabs, fishes, shrimps and hunts for a living, so he’s been on the water for 40 years. He knows the best places.



We saw two or three camps out this way. William said there used to be many more before Katrina. He also says that places that are open water now used to be narrow canals. He says you can see the land literally collapsing in on itself, and he wonders how much longer his way of life will be possible.



On the way out to the camps, William said he would call an alligator over to feed. We thought he was pulling our leg until we started whooping. That gator came swimming toward us like a dog coming to greet his owner. Well, that’s how I anthropomorphized it. “That gator wouldn’t think twice about eating you,” said William.



As well pulled up to this camp, some good ole boys from Mississippi came out to greet us. They offered us whiskey and chewed the fat with us for a while.
