The first official post: an update of sorts

1. As you may have noticed, we’ve been updating our website. Included in that project was an effort to migrate our various production blogs over to our own web property. It was a messy, messy process, and I don’t think … Read More

Gangster Destiny

This is nineteen year old Dominique Thompson (a.k.a. Destiny) at work at the Cat’s Meow on Bourbon Street. She is a long time ElekTrik Muse. She first appeared in our work in 2005 in a piece in the Guardian Newspaper. … Read More

This happens too

And inspirational video of some white trash dudes shooting off fireworks in their house. Oh, yes, this will happen in one of our movies.

Destiny wins at the New Orleans Film Festival

We are pleased to announce that “Destiny lives Down the Road” took home the prize for Best Louisiana Narrative short at the New Orleans Film Festival this weekend. You can read all about it on

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