Destiny lives Down the Road is Finished

Yes. You read it right. “Destiny lives Down the Road” is finally finished. Now what? It’s festival time, folks, which means spending a butt load of money to enter our film into festivals. We don’t mind, though. What else would … Read More

Editing continues on Destiny…

We’ve been screening the film to people of all varieties. Poets and writers, musicians, fellow filmmakers. Next week we screen to a high school class. We are slowly finding out what kind of film we have. This collaborative process with … Read More


The Elektrik Zoo have completed principal photography on “Destiny lives Down the Road.” Patrick has begun editing. As per MG’s advice, Daneeta has begun breaking down “Chalmatia!” using this method: Ms. Carmela piece will continue on Monday, 23 August. … Read More

Shooting Pam’s Hair Shack

Production Still: “Destiny lives Down the Road” Finally, Pam is well enough for us to shoot the Pam’s Hair Shack scene. Pam looks good, and she performs like a pro. Dominique is stellar, as always, and even Mimi steps up … Read More

Meeting Minister Antoine Brown III

I first became aware of Minister Antoine Brown III two Christmases ago. Staying in that cold, cold house in the Bywater and waiting for Patrick’s visa, we took to wrapping ourselves up in blankets and working with the TV on … Read More

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