
Patrick has become inspired by the photos of Todd Hido. We continue to write…to generate scenes. I start in prose, Patrick translates into script format, I polish, Patrick generates ideas for prose, and we start again. Trying to do four … Read More

Puzzle Pieces

Everywhere I look there is a puzzle piece to the script. Writing a script set in New Orleans/St. Bernard was next to near impossible in London. They talk funny there, and it’s, like, a whole different culture. Here, just stepping … Read More

More Memories

“Chris and I had many great adventures together. We were almost car-jacked once. As we skidded away from the would-be grand theft autoists, we nearly pissed ourselves laughing. I think we were high from the adrenaline.” Some inspiration from Story … Read More

Red Beans and Rice

Yeah. As a prelude to going home to New Orleans, tried making it the other day, and it was a disaster. Rushed itPatrick hated it: two days cooking is not worth it.Rice was a disaster. On the positive side: The … Read More


Does anyone know these men? I would like to get in touch with them about music for the film.

Tennessee Williams Inspires

Tennessee Williams is one of America’s greatest playwrights. I formerly read him in Tony Lala’s class in 20th Century American Drama at Loyola University, but he and his characters have been in my consciousness for as long as I can … Read More

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