
This is Joyce. She comes from Donnie’s side of the family. She lives Down the Road in St. Bernard with her husband William. Joyce has freelanced her whole life. William is a crabber and fisherman. They took us out on … Read More

Location Scouting

We’ve been location scouting again. It’s become increasingly hard to come by the sort of wasteland look in Chalmette. We are broadening our net to New Orleans East, the Westbank, and Down the Road (Mereaux and Violet).  

Visual Reference: Village Square

Two scenes take place in Village Square. Patrick took this picture 2 months ago or so. I don’t know how much longer these buildings will remain. There have been some rumblings about turning them into mixed income housing, but the … Read More

Visual references: the fog in winter

Patrick took this photo back in January when we were scouting for “Little Baby Eyes.” Light has a very strange relationship to weather here in New Orleans. Winter is particularly beautiful. The light has a certain quality. The fog is … Read More