Location Scouting

We’ve been doing a lot of work on the music video, and this is serving us very well for the script. In a strange way, the two are tied together. One of the three main characters is based on my … Read More

Location Scouting: Chartres and Montegut

On our way to see Aaron and Yuki we walked from Canal Street, through the French Quarter, the Marigny and into the Bywater neighborhood, which is part of the Bywater District and the Ninth Ward. This area, despite the picture … Read More

Writing, Meetings, Location Scouting

I’ve been whinging like a little bitch about not having my new Mac, but money from abroad has not been forthcoming. So, instead of complaining that I cannot write on a PC (I am definitely NOT a PC), I have … Read More

Location, Location

Locations have been driving the script. When we came here, we decided to open it up. The story, that is. We’ve had a breakthrough in work flow. Locations are inspiring me, and I am writing Carver-esque stories about those locations. … Read More

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