Capturing Stories

For research purposes, personal stories are the best. And, what better place to find personal stories than on blogs. I’ve been monitoring a few personal blogs (Mr. Clio’s, NOLA Metblog) and some newsey blogs (Business of Film on Of … Read More

Seafood City

One of the best things about growing up in Southern Louisiana was watching the locally produced commercials. Mr. Clio recently alerted me to these old commercials on Youtube. Below is one of my favorites: a commercial for Seafood City. Many … Read More


Please check out this beautiful piece of work that reminds us all of what was lost in New Orleans.

Blogs (II)

Wow! Reading those blogs last night gave me the sensation of being in three places at one time. One place was London 2007. One was Sweden, August 2006 when I was trying to get in touch with my family. The … Read More


Just a few of the blogs and forums I’m using for research. I’ll add more as I find them. Please add more yourselves. World Class New OrleansMetroblogging New Orleans (Currently being read by Daneeta)NOLA Chalmette Forum (Currently being read by … Read More

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