» » » Commitment is Imminent

Commitment is Imminent

I have been monitoring the flight prices for the past three weeks. We haven’t been able to buy tickets yet because we’ve been waiting to get paid then waiting for the day that the checks clear. That day will be Monday.

Today, the flights from London to NOLA dropped £32. They have dropped a total of £102 since I’ve been monitoring. I’m hoping they drop some more by Monday, but we won’t wait longer than that.  It’s time to commit.
Melissa emailed saying that she would be away until the 20th, so we’ve got our first couch to surf in New Orleans. It’s been working out well here in the U.K., us having stayed with the Normans, the Rowells and next at Jeremy’s bachelor pad, then back with the Normans and Rowells. The Rowells have chickens, and we will be taking care of them  for the next few days as the family go camping. This is a big responsibility for us, but I think we are up for the task.
We actually talked about the talking about the script on the walk home last night. We have been so busy with trying to finish off our life here that we haven’t been writing. Disappointing. But, we do have a solid foundation, and the whole point of picking up stakes and going to New Orleans is to FINISH the script then SHOOT the film. But, anyway, talking about it felt good.