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Drug Research

Doing loads of research on “Pill Mills.” It seems that there is a huge problem with addiction to Opioids in this country. Opiodis are the synthetic version of Opiates that come from Opium, a natural substance. It’s all very interesting and fucked up how pharmaceuticals turn something natural into a highly addictive substance then release it onto an unknowing population through legitimate and legal dealers. Still getting my head around it all. BUT, forget all of that political bullshit. This is some interesting research for the feature.

From the Pill Mill Grand Jury:

Another addict testified, “I could not function without it [Oxycodone]. I had to have it every day.” He then described the withdrawals:

The first part of it would be you would start to get ill as in your stomach would hurt, you couldn’t
eat, you couldn’t hold food down. You’d try to sleep at night, or I should say you would get cold
sweats. It didn’t matter what the temperature is, you feel like its 20 degrees outside and you’re
sweating bullets. And then from there you couldn’t sleep at night. And that would go on for,
different areas of those symptoms would go on for about a week or two. And then from there, I
think a month after that, within the month, that first month of detox, I couldn’t get a full night’s
worth of sleep. Your legs would kind of kick and flex and twit. I mean twitch around.

Another thing is this guy should not be on trial. He should be medically cared for, and the Pharmaceuticals should pay for it out of their profits.

Pharmaceuticals have a little bit of evil in them, and if you don’t see me no more, you know who’s got me.