» » » Getting Married

Getting Married

Last night was Patrick’s bachelor party. Did I mention that we’re getting married?

Anyway, Adam took him out for a football match, then the drinking started. I had the evening in. Picked up a falafel at Just Falafel in Covent Garden (I’m gonna miss that place). Came back to our garden and sat with Jim gossiping for about two hours. Then upstairs for some mindless TV.

At midnight, Patrick and Adam came back a bit worse for wear. Adam had a £100 bottle of champers in the fridge, so we went back down to the garden and drank it trying to be as quiet as possible. We were all reminiscing about living on this estate. It’s been nearly seven years that we’ve lived here. One particular memory hit us of when we first moved into to 14 Stirling. We had been drinking and eating melon, and Patrick was telling some hilarious story about snails. Then he just threw up all over my futon. We were finding melon seeds for weeks after.

Back to the present, and that story must have set Patrick off because he threw up just after its telling. Luckily, it was right above the drain. I told Adam to bring him upstairs and that I would wash down the vomit. Jim came out and helped me clean it up. “It’s not the first time I’ve cleaned up vomit in this garden,” he said. Apparently, every time there’s a party, someone throws up down there. Jim just gets out his disinfectant and goes to work. I’m gonna miss him too.

Well, I guess this is my official announcement. Patrick and I will be getting married at the Orebro Registrar’s office this coming Saturday. We want to stay together, and this is the way to do it. We have our outfits all picked out, and I’ll be posting pictures later.