Well, it’s a horrid acid flashback to three years ago. Instead of excitedly talking to my mom and sister about soon being back in their arms again, we are talking about evacuation and contingency plans. My sister and her extended family are evacuating to Arkansas today. My mom will be evacuating with her elderly charge tomorrow.
I say horrid flashback because this is exactly what happened three years ago. My family separated for what seemed like would be a short time and ended up being apart for nearly two years.
Both mom and Daniell are being calm and pragmatic about things, but I can’t help being the brat here. Three years ago, Patrick and I were in Sweden and talking about possibly finishing off Tokyo Cowboys in New Orleans. We had pretty much decided to do that on about the 26th of August. That’s when we got a text from Adam in London that alerted us to Katrina. Switching on the TV, we found in all over the Swedish news. Well the rest is black history.
My philosophy of “everything happens for a reason” is being sorely tested at the moment.
Photo from Wikipedia.
Mr. Clio
“Everything happens for a reason.”
I’ve moved on from that one, unless “reason” is defined as something WAY beyond what humans are equipped to process.
Maybe it’s something closer to we create the “reasons” along the way.
Anyway, remember: in south Louisiana, we are all Indiana Jones now. I don’t blame anybody who doesn’t join the club, but I’m glad when people do. Your mom and Daniell no doubt have their cool hats and bull whips ready. Pack yours.