» » » House by the Tracks

House by the Tracks

Patrick wants to take a picture of this “house” by the tracks. It’s really a station agent’s office. Nothing like the movie. As you can see, it’s like one of those old portable buildings they used to use for schools when there was over crowding.
I’m thinking about that guy in the big ass pickup truck who told us we couldn’t take pictures of the refinery for reasons of “national security.” I hate the way people throw that term around.
Still. It makes me nervous, the nervousness of some people. It puts me on edge. But, I’m not going to let someone tell me that I can’t take pictures in a free country. That just wouldn’t be right. And I would be letting down all of those folks in the Middle East who are taking their fight for democracy to the streets.
Anyway. That’s what I’m thinking about while Patrick is taking pictures of the house by the tracks.