» » » How do we monetize our content:

How do we monetize our content:

A few days ago I posted this question on LinkedIn*:

Social Media Expert CH answers our question with a question:  Who is willing to pay for your content and how can you best share it with them, Daneeta? 

This got us thinking about our audience. Who are they? And, how do they consume media? On Facebook, I’m friends with nearly 700 people. This is not a lot. But, what’s unique about my friends is that I have met all of them personally. I know them all on some level. This is a very powerful audience. Another potential audience are people like us: artists who are trying to make our way. By sharing our process, maybe we can help others by helping ourselves. Interesting.

LDG suggests: Do the hard work of converting your piles of content, into sales ready books, films and show ready materials.

We’ve implemented his advice by beginning to create slide shows of photos and words and posting them on Examiner.com (another one of my audiences). You can see one here. Here is a link to me as the City Life Examiner. And, right below, is one of the pics from the slide show.

MCL says: You might want to think about who needs materials that you have — ad agencies, web producers, etc. They may be willing to pay for access to your archives and some level of exclusivity. Trade show/event producers are another idea.
GP: Are there ways to turn the photography into Stock photos for sale? Same with Video? Can you turn any of it into footage for use in Documentary films? Can you sell to any local companies? Can you turn any into blogs and charge for content? 

And finally Nagaraju D sends this article, which is basic, but reminds us to use the Like: “a user who chooses to specify something as liked by him by marking it with a “Like” liked, conveys the message automatically to all of his friends in the social network.”

If ya’ll have implemented any good ideas with regards to monetizing content, please share it.

Because…together we are stronger.

*LinkedIn is the more professional older brother of social networking. Everyone is more measured and business-like. LinkedIn is free, although there is a fee version, but its benefit does not outweigh the cost for us right now. You can ask questions like mine and send them out to the general LinkedIn population. The response you get is from some kick ass professionals.