» » » Hurricane a comin’: Please Act Now!

Hurricane a comin’: Please Act Now!

This call for help on new levee legislation is from the wonderful website Levees.Org. If you are an American, please support this important legislation. You will see below that 43% of the U.S. population lives in counties with levees, so it’s not just the folks in New Orleans who are at danger from inadequately built levees. We must hold our government accountable for they way they spend our money.

12:00p August 27, 2008 Tropical Storm Gustav is heading straight for New Orleans and predicted to strike as a Cat 3 Hurricane.
This might seem like a New Orleans problem, but did you know that 43 percent of the U.S. population lives in counties with levees?
You and the folks in New Orleans deserve levees you can trust.
After that, please call House Speaker Nancy Pelosi at (202) 225-4965. Tell the aide that answers the phone you want to leave a message for Madame Speaker. You will be transferred to her voice mail. Say this,
I live in (say your state) and I don’t want what happened to New Orleans to happen to me! Please do what you can to get the 8/29 Investigation passed!”
Deadline for both actions: 1pm CST Friday August 29.
Thank you!
Sandy Rosenthal
Founder, and national spokesperson, Levees.Org

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