» » » I guess I’m walkin’ to New Orleans

I guess I’m walkin’ to New Orleans

This from the Elektrik Zoo Blog:

Elektrik Zoo’s founders Saft & Jackson
The Elektrik Zoo, a creative collective headed by Daneeta Loretta Saft and Patrick Jackson officially announced today that they are moving their offices to New Orleans on September 1st of this year.

About the move, Jackson said “Our philosophy has always been to go where the stories are. This philosophy has served us well. Since forming the Elektrik Zoo five years ago, we’ve been to four continents and eight countries working on so many interesting projects. Now we’ve got another story to tell. And this one takes place in Louisiana.”

Saft explains: “Well, Louisiana is where I’m from. I’ve been telling beautiful lies and stories about my travels since I left home 20 years ago. It’s time to go home and tell those stories now. Besides, it makes my mother extremely happy to have us coming home. And you can’t really beat that.”

During post production on their debut feature “Tokyo Cowboys,” Saft and Jackson began writing their new project tentatively entitled “Down in the Parish” (blog here). “Think Ang Lee’s ‘Ice Storm’ meets Tennessee Williams,” says Jackson. “A family implodes against the backdrop of Hurricane Katrina. It’s Southern Gothic with elements of Magical Realism. And funny…very funny” adds Saft.

The two will be looking to partner with local production companies and financiers. “Because we’ve been working here in London for five years, there are certain elements that will come from the U.K., but we are very committed to staying local with the production. That means local facilities and management but, most importantly, local talent.” says Saft. “You can’t really fake the accent.”

For more information, email Daneeta Loretta Saft at info “at” elektrikzoo “dot” com.

4 Responses

  1. mjp

    there’s a date! We’ll be sure to come and see you!

  2. aok

    Bon chance with the move and your upcoming project. It sounds like my choldhood – Ang Lee meets Tennessee Williams.

  3. fiercekitten

    I recognize that hat!

  4. daneeta loretta

    That is my favorite hat given to me by my very good friend Miss Cassie Destino of the Los Angeles Destinos.