» » » I’m Just a Girl

I’m Just a Girl

Trying to clear the rights for “I’m just a Girl” by No Doubt. Called Universal Music who hold the rights, and they told me that No Doubt songs are notoriously difficult to clear, but I’m hoping that the fact that Gwen Stafani has a strong connection with Japan will bode well. I’ve sent off an email with all of the relevent information. Now we wait.

In the meantime, Katsura has been working hard on her end to get clearances for all of the Karaoke songs. She’s cleared “Ue o Muite,” which is the song we plan to use at the end of the film. You can see it performed below by the wonderful Ningyoko. She’s also got tentative agreements with some of the other rights holders.

Katsura kicks ass. She was a few years below me at The London Film School and is a director/writer as well as doing fab camera work. Her film Zekuu has been quite successful on the festival circuit. So melancholic and so beautiful…it’s very skillfully directed. Check it out if you get a chance.