» » » “Kirmann Project” screened in London

“Kirmann Project” screened in London

Pinch me: I might be dreaming.

We were excited to hear from Kirmann over the weekend about his performance at the Old Queen’s Head in London during which he screened visuals from “The Kirmann Project.” You might remember that we shot these visuals last year with Elektrik Zoo muse and resident performer Dominique Thompson. Funnily enough, I screened these at Revel* in New Orleans on Saturday as well, so we were doing some kind of weird trans-Atlantic, International thing that rocked both shores.

Following up on all of this is my performance on Saturday’s Fringe Show “UnRoute.” It seems that everyone wants their hands on “The Kirmann Project,” and thank the universe for that.

You can see “UnRoute” at Michalopoulos Studios (537 Elysian Fields Ave. near the river) on Saturday the 20th at 9 p.m.

Next, I’m manifesting a performance in San Francisco in April.

*Revel: in association with the Open Studios Artist Collective, Prospect 1.5 and Marigny Market~Elysian Fleas