» » » Location Scouting: Chartres and Montegut

Location Scouting: Chartres and Montegut

On our way to see Aaron and Yuki we walked from Canal Street, through the French Quarter, the Marigny and into the Bywater neighborhood, which is part of the Bywater District and the Ninth Ward. This area, despite the picture you see above, has seen a resurgence since Katrina. It has also experienced gentrification and an increase in violent crime. I’m not sure if these two things are related.

The Bywater is an amazing neighborhood for location scouting. Abandoned buildings, industrial parks and art houses abound.

After meeting with Aaron and Yuki, we walked up St. Claude Ave. The light from the street lamps was extraordinary, and we passed by a garage open late. Men worked on cars and customers stood out on the sidewalk smoking and waiting. When we got to Elysian Fields we turned toward the river. On this corner is a big pink building that has been there for years. You can get po-boys there. Attached to it is a daiquiri shop. And, next to that is a barber shop…all amazing locations.

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On the walk back through the Marigny we were asked by some colorful gutter punks for some change so that they could get totally fucked up, man. A lot of them are coming down from up north. You can still get away with no jacket at night, and there are a lot of places to get free food. As for a place to stay, well 80% of the city’s buildings are abandoned. (I got this stat from a friend and it is in no way accurate, I’m sure, but there are a lot of abandoned houses ripe for squatters.)

  1. New Orleans Ladder

    Hey Y’all. Thanks for dropping by. I had such fun on your google thingy skipping around my old neighborhood around the Flora Cafe, Mardi Gras Zone, Royal and Franklin. I rode out Katrina in my writing studio above the Iron Rail Bookstore.

    Editilla~New Orleans Ladder