» » » Meeting Minister Antoine Brown III

Meeting Minister Antoine Brown III

I first became aware of Minister Antoine Brown III two Christmases ago. Staying in that cold, cold house in the Bywater and waiting for Patrick’s visa, we took to wrapping ourselves up in blankets and working with the TV on in the background. Public Access, to be exact. Channel 76. That’s where I first saw Minister Brown, and, I guess, in a way, he sort of healed me.

At that time, I was having a bit of a block. No writing to speak of was happening. But after seeing the Minister’s show (a strange mish-mash of sermon, testifying and gospel rap), things started to flow. I also got one of his songs stuck in my head, and it’s been there ever since.

A year later, and we’re walking down the Moonwalk in a misty rain, and there he is again. Just sitting on a bench. “I know you,” I say. “I know you. You are Minister Antoine Brown. I’ve seen you on T.V.” We have a short chat then part ways.

When we started working with Ms. Camella, we discovered that she watches a lot of religious programming. Including Minister Brown. So, we wrote him into the short. We wrote her…watching him.

After some fits and starts, we were able to meet with Minister Brown at the McDonalds on Canal Street. He gave us a VHS of his work so that we can use it in the film.

It’s funny how things happen.

Photo published in a series on JosephNils Blog.

2 Responses

  1. Anonymous

    We need a video clip of the Minister!! We love to watch him as well!

  2. Daneeta Loretta Jackson

    I have lost contact with Minister Brown. I'm hoping he'll call me soon.