» » » Natsukashii


“Ringu” was on TV last night, and I started to feel nostalgic about Japan. That is the first time that’s happened since I left. Strange things are happening. Strange emotions. Things are getting curiouser and curiouser.

  1. Knatterly

    Just googled Natsukashii as my Japanese is useless – first website it brought up said the following:

    “I am nursing a serious case of wanting to be back there right now… It comes and goes, but it’s back today.

    …it’s reminding me of what a fucking cool city Tokyo is. At least a third of my self is shaped by my life there, and moulded by my connections to Japan… That part never leaves, of course, but vehemently reasserts itself periodically.”

    So many people who have experienced life in Tokyo feel this way. I don’t know of any other city that has such a big impact on people’s lives.