» » » Philosophy


Patrick has started to formulate a philosophy behind our style of filmmaking. We go where the stories are. And those stories are our personal stories. That’s why New Orleans…that’s why Sweden next. Then Tokyo. Then back to London.

But…back up. We’re still in London and trying to get to New Orleans.

Spoke to my mom and sister today. I told them officially that we are trying to get back to New Orleans. I hope it’s not too late. My mom sounds bad. She’s really tired, and she’s working too many hours for a woman her age and in the shape she’s in. I have this fantasy of getting money to actually do this film properly…of somehow being able to get her on the payroll as my driver…or my chef. But, that’s just a fantasy. I’ll be lucky if we can get enough funding to pay ourselves.

Looking around on Craig’s List today for apartments in Uptown NOLA (Call me nostalgic, but that’s where I lived when I was at Loyola). This is a pic of one apartment going for $950. We’re paying 4 times as much for a tiny, shitty place here.

Going to email some people back home to see if work is available for cameramen.

In the meantime, we work on the script, which is coming along, but which is taking a back seat to finishing Tokyo Cowboys. My other fantasy is that Cowboys will win some good festivals and fund this coming year in New Orleans so we don’t have to work.