» » » Process


Ah, yes, the process of writing. Frustrating, isn’t it?
Sleep depriving?
You’ll do anything to get out of it.

I love this bit. Finding the story.
It’s like daydreaming becomes respectable.

Mostly you’re inside your head…
all the time…
literally in a different world trying to find your way to the page.

That’s when the art comes in.
You can be sprinting: late to an appointment…
right in the middle of ordering a pasty…
or dead asleep when it hits…
the Eureka.

Then you’re writing notes on your arms with a sharpie,
and you show up to your meeting looking like an idiot.
“I’m…aaa…just writing at the moment.” Lame.
Yeah, so anyway. Spoke to my sister today, and she gave me inspiration. She’s got the three kids and all before 30, and they’re all pretty cool. I couldn’t have done it.

Before the hurricane, her life was, well…not all that she’d hoped for. Then the hurricane hit and she lost her house. She broke with her husband. There were other family issues involved.
And she couldn’t afford to go home for about a year.
It took her that long to get back.
That’s kinda how hard it was.

Now, she’s back home…living in Arabi.
She has a new guy…
she’s known him for ages…
he treats her and the kids good.
Her MySpace page is filled with pictures of an amazingly happy family. And, she is just laughing all the time.

Forgive me for being assinine,
and not meaning to sound like Barbara Bush,
but I wonder if she thinks that the hurricane is a
bad thing
or a good thing.

3 Responses

  1. Daniell

    Everything happens for a reason. For me the hurricane was a good thing. I would never have had the courage to get out of the marriage if the hurricane didn’t happen. People can bitch and complain about it all they want, but I thank God that Katrina happened everyday b/c I wouldn’t be happy and with the person that I am supossed to be with if it didn’t happen. My kids wouldn’t be happy and feel safe and also…Donnie may not have ever straightened his life out. Yes, I can even see the good in it for him. I mean it sucks that the parish is not back to what it was b/4 the storm, but it is coming back slowly and one day hopefully it will be back. Even if it’s not though it is still home and I am happy to be home.

    Oh, and I am going to kill you though b/c you have bathing suit pictures on your blog of me.

  2. daneeta loretta

    Well said, little sis.

    And, I think you look hot in that picture. Happy is always hot!

  3. Daniell

    And I think you are crazy b/c I most definitely do not look hot in that picture.