» » » Procrastinating in Uptown

Procrastinating in Uptown

November marks the 4th month we’ve been homeless. Patrick wants me to caveat that with the statement: “we are homeless by choice,” but still, we are sans home. The key thing about this kind of lifestyle is to avoid accumulating stuff and have a safe place to keep your important stuff. The hard drives are at my mom’s…winter clothes at my sister’s. Thank god for my family.

We’ve moved places again. Staying at G’s house uptown with Otto, her boxer. She’s got a wifi setup. We’re still using Jen & Richard’s laptop, on which I have installed Celtex. I’ve written about this software before.

The script is not coming along as fast as I’d like. The reason we chose this lifestyle instead of getting an apartment right away was so that we’d not get distracted from writing on the script. But, I’m completely distracted by everything: meetings, friends, hustling work, work, events, food, walking the dog. I can find any old excuse not to write. Blogging is an excuse not to write.

Truth be told, and don’t tell this to Patrick, I haven’t yet fallen in love with the story. I’m still kinda lukewarm. When that happens, I will spend every working hour dreaming about it, fantasizing about it, laying at its feet and begging it to love me back (which, I know this already, it won’t).

I do love our main character. I’m trying to focus on her. Trying to get her to tell me her story. She is being incredibly uncooperative. But, I guess that’s part of why I love her.