» » » Red Beans and Rice

Red Beans and Rice

Patrick says: “That looks absolutely disgusting!” I don’t think this is going well. It’s my first attempt to indoctrinate him into the culinary delights of my hometown.

I’ve screwed it up, though. I’ve used dried beans and am trying to cook them fast…well in three hours instead of the requisite 12. And, having given up red meat 10 years ago, there’s no sausage or ham. And, we don’t have any white rice. And, tabasco will never pass the lips of this Swedish boy’s mouth.

He eats one bean and then spits it out gagging. Actually, the next day, the beans taste absolutely brilliant. And the next day and the next. But I cannot convince him to try the beans again.

I really don’t know what the hell he is going to eat over there. McDonalds? Perish the thought. He does like catfish, but getting one of those over here is damn near impossible.

T-minus 8 weeks and counting.

4 Responses

  1. Mr. Clio

    Get your asses to New Orleans. He’ll love them by October 1.

  2. daneeta loretta

    I think we’re going to have to call in the professionals on this one. Or, at least, I need to be retrained in my home town cooking!

  3. Daniell

    He’ll be fine once he has a couple of meals over here. Gerard will find something to cook for him that he’ll like and then he’ll teach you how to cook it. Not to be mean, but I don’t think I’d have eaten those beans either. They look off. Maybe it’s just the picture though.

  4. Anonymous

    he’ll be fine if he can live off beignets and baguettes…