» » » Script Outline in the Works

Script Outline in the Works

Yeah! After four weeks, we’ve finally finished the character scenes assigned to us by Margaret. We’ve read each other’s stuff, and were pleased to find that we are both on the same page (so to speak).

The next step for us is to thread our scenes together into a 50 page outline, fleshing out the rest of the characters as we go along. I started threading them together tonight, and things are moving along. The plan is to have the outline finished before we go to New Orleans for the Recky.

In other news, The Katrina Connection is reporting that former President Bill Clinton is speaking in New Orleans on the 15th of March kicking off the inaugural meeting for the Clinton Global Initiative University.

Photo from NyAC Writers.

  1. Mr. Clio

    I’m freakin’ impressed. Grind. Grind. Keep going.