We’re in Sweden now, and PJ had this expectation that I was going to get a first draft of the script written. But, I think we’re jumping ahead of ourselves now.
I’ve just determined that the main character’s biggest fear is of being alone…that her fantasy is to live in a nice little house with her daughter and grandchildren, no men to ruin their lives and tell them what to do.
I must find new names for all of the characters. This story is roughly based on the story of my family after Katrina. One bit of feedback from the Writer’s Gym people is that I have to let the characters develop even if that means that they develop away from the real people. Maybe I can start to allow that if I change their names.
Also been trying to find a good title for the script. Have loads of really crap ideas. They are:
Washed Away
Down in the Parish
No Pictures to Prove it
In Happy Waters
In Happier Waters
Thicker than Water
Redemption Waters
Floods of Redemption
Katrina’s Redemption
Muddy Waters of Redemption
Mud and Water
Mud, Water and Redemption
Rising Waters
The Rising Waters
The River Rose all Day
The River Rose all Night
The Hurricane Girls
Rising Waters of Redemption
On the Edge of the River
The Banks of the River
Redemption River