» » » The Crack of Dawn

The Crack of Dawn

This morning I got up at the crack of dawn to write on the script. Actually, dawn had already cracked, but it was still obscenely early: 5 a.m. This may not be early for you with children or a brain disorder, but it’s pretty damn early for me, especially since I don’t go to be ’til 1 a.m. at the earliest.

Anyway, I decided to do this because I have read many writers who swear by writing early. And, I needed to shake things up. I’ve had a bit of writers block for weeks. Not really block. Just not motivated to sit my ass down and write. Call it depression, call it laziness, call it anything you like, but it’s still not writing.

So, I got up and sat in front of the computer for two hours and wrote and sat and wrote and sat. Then I went back to bed. Nothing brilliant, but I am going to give it a few weeks and see how it goes.

In the afternoon, PJ and I took a walk on the Southbank and talked about what I had written. We both agreed it was crap. But it did give us something focused to talk about with regards to the script.

Cartoon from Joke Portal.