» » » The first official post: an update of sorts

The first official post: an update of sorts

1. As you may have noticed, we’ve been updating our website. Included in that project was an effort to migrate our various production blogs over to our own web property. It was a messy, messy process, and I don’t think some of the bits made it. What can I say? I’m a writer/director. This web site design BS is for professionals.

2. Our feature script “Destiny lives Down the Road” (loosely based on the short by the same name) is FINISHED. We are now looking for development and producing partners. You can see the kick-ass pitch book here.

3. Our work will be exhibited at the Contemporary Arts Center in New Orleans next year. We have chosen the ridiculously long title of CHALMETIA (shall-MAY-shuh): A FICTIONAL PLACE DOWN THE ROAD (“The Ethnography of a Contemporary Southern Gothic Tribe). You can read more about that here.

4. Daneeta will perform in the at the 2012 New Orleans Fringe Festival in collaboration with the Artist Inc. Collective. The film/dance piece is in development.