» » » The Hose

The Hose

This is the last time I will see my family for a while. We are all kind of used to me just picking up and leaving. It’s what I do, and I have built a proper life and a job out of that so I can have excuses to do it. I’m better now. I try to give them some warning.
It’s my godson’s birthday. He used to call me “Nanny” but then I told him to call me “Nene.” I don’t remember telling him this. I don’t remember the reason for telling him this. I’m kind of sad about it, though. “Nanny” could have become a whole special language for us.
My godson turned 12, and I wonder how we will negotiate this part of our relationship. He is moving into his teen years, and everything pretty much changes when that happens.
A bevy of beauties come over to talk to Nick and Derek. Apparently both boys are a bit popular in school. How did that happen? Derek is a nerd, and Nick is a goofball. Would that the world was run by nerds and goofballs.
The little ones are still willing to talk to you if you just spend two minutes helping them set up the hose. They like to run around in it, and I remember doing this at their age too. I feel this is a dying past time, and maybe it is the last time I will see children playing in the hose.