» » » The Process

The Process

We’ve been working through a newish writing process, which is presenting all kinds of interesting results. I start in prose and Patrick translates the writing into script format, which is a sort of stripping down of all the description and back story and internal dialogue. What Patrick discovered is that the description in prose might make for good voice over. We are enamored of voice over a la “Little Children” and “Toni Takitani.” We used poetic voice over in “Tokyo Cowboys” and “My Beautiful Reward,” so I guess you would place voice over firmly into our…um…voice.

Anyway, Patrick has been pasting some of the back story I’ve written into prose into the script as voice over, and it is working out really well, so yay!

We’ve been watching films like “The Royal Tenenbaums,” “Rules of Attraction,” etc. to get inspired with the voice over. Our idea is more like Tenenbaums’ or “Little Children’s” objective narration as opposed to “Rules of Attraction’s” internal monologue, but that might be because we haven’t found any internal monologue that inspires us.

I want to do the voice over, but Patrick says that will never happen. Tokyo Cowboys voice over was just too much for him.