» » » The Writing Continues…

The Writing Continues…

I haven’t been blogging much lately, which is mostly due to the fact that we’ve been working on the music video, looking for day jobs, sorting Patrick’s visa and, well, writing on the script.

The prose-to-script process is working out pretty well for us. I’m even thinking of trying to publish the prose as a novella. Because, here’s the deal: prose is internal. Things happen inside the characters’ heads. You can get in a lot of exposition this way but neatly. Scripts are external, and the story is told in pictures, actions, sounds and music. It is also told in dialogue, but Patrick hates expository dialogue. One of our favorite scripts and an inspiration for us is “No Country for Old Men.” There is scant little dialogue in this script, and what there is of it is not expository. It is pure poetry.

What this all means is that the prose version of our efforts will be quite different form the script version. I don’t know if this has been done before. I know that scripts are adapted from prose all the time. And, I know that, when a movie is a big hit, studios might commission a prose version of the movie to capitalize on the profits of the movie. But, we are writing concurrently. Anyone?

Picture thanks to moviecritic.com.

2 Responses

  1. greenzo

    The screenplay and novel of 2001 were written concurrently.

  2. daneeta loretta

    Thanks for the info Greenzo. Arthur C. Clarke is a good mentor.