» » » Tokyo Cowboys to Premiere at the Japan Film Festival in Los Angeles

Tokyo Cowboys to Premiere at the Japan Film Festival in Los Angeles

Début feature documentary “Tokyo Cowboys” from the filmmaking partnership of Daneeta Loretta Saft and Patrick Jackson will première at the Japan Film Festival in Los Angeles on April 14th. “Tokyo Cowboys” is the only film in the festival directed by a non-Asian director and the only film to deal with the subject of gaijin (outsider) experience in Japan.

The film was shot over a two year period and follows the stories of five western men living long-term in Tokyo. In total, it has been five years in the making. A wholly independent production housed under the creative partnership alliance of “The Elektrik Zoo,” the film was co-directed and co-produced by Saft and Jackson. They also shared responsibilities for all major roles on the film. The score was written by award wining composer Simon Rogers.

ABOUT TOKYO COWBOYS – A wholly independent feature documentary , “Tokyo Cowboys” follows the stories of five western men living long-term in Tokyo. The film’s delicate and humorous portrait illuminates the price some pay for a taste of Tokyo’s success.


Daneeta Loretta Saft: born in Big Branch, Louisiana, 1965. Writing since childhood. B.A. and M.A. in literature. Published internationally, award winning poet. Seven year residence in Japan, eight year residence in the U.K. Producer+Writer+Director.

Patrick Jackson: born in Uppsala, Sweden, 1979. Father English, Mother Swedish. Filming since childhood. Graduated Brunnsvik Documentary Film School and attended Stockholm Film School. Extensively traveled through the Middle East and Africa. Producer+Writer+Director.

Both hold M.F.A.s in Filmmaking from the London Film School, which is where they met and began to collaborate. Seven shorts later, Tokyo Cowboys is their first feature.