» » » Tokyo Cowboys World Premiere in Los Angeles

Tokyo Cowboys World Premiere in Los Angeles

Hello friends of Tokyo Cowboys!

This is more than just a update as we are announcing big news:

Tokyo Cowboys World Premiere

Tokyo Cowboys will have its world premiere at the Japan Film Festival in Los Angeles on April 14th. We will be screening alongside two of our Japanese filmmaking heroes: Akira Kurosawa and Hirokazu Koreeda (“Afterlife” and “Nobody Knows”). “Tokyo Cowboys” is the only film in the festival directed by a non-Asian and the only film in the festival to deal with the subject of gaijin (outsider) experience in Japan. Visit the website here:


Tell your Friends

Getting a premiere is all well and good. But we need your help to pack out the cinema. You can do this by forwarding the blurb (copied at the end of this email) to your mates in California and by encouraging them to go and see the film.

Tell the Press

If you know any newspaper people, blog people or people with muscle or celebrity, send them the press release attached to this email. Raising the profile of the film helps it to get into festivals and gets it distributed, which means YOU can watch it in cinemas and on DVD.

Watch the New Teaser

We’ve updated the website with a new teaser. Visit the site and have a look:


Steal our Teaser

If you have a blog, embed our teaser into a post. You can find the embedding code here:


That’s it for now, folks. Hope to see you soon in a city near you!


Daneeta and Patrick

The Blurb

Thought you guys might be interested in this bit of news. Some friends of mine have just finished their feature documentary “Tokyo Cowboys.” The film is having its world premiere in your neck of the woods at the Japan Film Festival. Check out their website at www.tokyocowboys.com.

The festival website is here:

http://www.jffla.org. Help them out by spreading the news.

Here’s their blurb:

Tokyo Cowboys: a new feature length documentary tells the stories of a group of westerners who gave up their jobs, homes and countries to pursue their dreams in the cut throat world of Tokyo.The film’s delicate and humorous portrait illuminates the price some pay for a taste of Tokyo’s success. Shot over a two year period, the film follows the trial and errors of its heroes’ quest for opportunity on this post-modern urban frontier.

2 Responses

  1. caa40000

    I thought I left a comment on this yesterday…Anyway, this is Carlos again with the 2008 JFF, I passed on word about your film to an excellent blog named JAPUNDIT and they have already posted up some info!

  2. daneeta loretta

    Thanks for that, Carlos! Link in a new blog entry coming soon.