» » » Update on Destiny

Update on Destiny

I should give you an update on Elektrik Zoo short: Destiny lives Down the Road. The soundscape is being designed and the soundtrack mixed by Ludovic Morin of The Sound Dept out of London. Another week or two, and it will be done. After that, we finalize the titles, we’ll be done enough to screen the film in its entirety.

Patrick took the following picture of Ludo when they were in Tunisia shooting Claire’s documentary.

I mention all of this because I wanted to make a point about our collaborations and our connections. When we find someone we like, we stick with them like glue. We’ve know Ludo for some years, and we came to him through long-time collaborator Kirmann. Kirmann is married to Claire, and we all went to film school together many years ago. This is where and when the collaboration started.
Together we are stronger.